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Final Assessment Product

This project aims to help students appreciate the values of diversity and inclusion in their educational context. Specifically, the project requires students to work in groups to design a product that promotes diversity and inclusion.


The assessment for this project can be personalised for students at all levels from primary to tertiary education.

For tertiary level: 
The class will be divided into groups to showcase their products through an exhibition open to public. These products can range from art, documentary videos, props etc, based on the specific topic they choose.

Students' work will be assessed based on five criteria:

1) Planning

2) Quality of content

3) Originality

4) Teamwork

5) Visibility

It is expected that through conducting the exhibition, students are able to:

- Have better understanding of diversity and inclusion.

- Gain experience working in teams.

- Learn about effective communication in public.

Final Assessment Product: Services
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Final Assessment Product: Image
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